Should the name of the owner be included in the device name, this could also be used to unmask the owner's identity and potentially geolocate them via the Linksys Smart Wi-Fi router's public IP address, according to Mursch. The MAC address alone, an identifier issued to networked devices, could be used to track the router. The leak of such information may assist attackers in compromising the Internet of Things (IoT) routers for the purposes of not only data theft but potentially enslavement into botnet setups.

Subsequent scans revealed that 25,617 Linksys Smart Wi-Fi routers are vulnerable and are leaking not only MAC addresses, but also device names, operating system types, and in some cases WAN settings, firewall status, firmware update settings, and DDNS configurations. How to find out if you are involved in a data breach - and what to do next The best VPN services: How do the top 5 compare? How to find and remove spyware from your phone Time is running outįraudsters are using machine learning to help write scam emails in different languages

These experts are racing to protect AI from hackers. Router, die die mobile App Linksys Smart Wi-Fi untersttzen Mit der mobilen App Linksys Smart Wi-Fi haben Sie jederzeit von jedem Ort aus Zugriff auf Ihr Heimnetzwerk.