Icon=/usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/vlc. Please close all browser sessions and use administrator privilege to install. To enhance user experience, you can create a desktop shortcut:Įxec=sh -c "xhost + & su -c /usr/bin/vlc new_user & xhost -" Xhost + & su -c /usr/bin/vlc new_user & xhost. The following command starts VLC in Kali Linux when you are logged as root:

If you select another username, please, also adjust all following commands: RTSP URL (Stream address of IPCamera, lookup for that according to the brand), IP address of your native server. (The browser I'm using here is Chrome) 3. new_user is allowed name, but you can adjust the command by replacing new_user with any name you prefer. If you haven't had it installed on your computer, download it at and install it. The next command will create new user account on you Kali Linux system. Therefore, we can create a non-root user and run VLC, Google Chrome, and Chromium from that account. Linux lets us to start programs, including GUI application, from another user without leaving the current account. Nevertheless, there is an effective way to bypass the restriction for any program. Remember, the purpose here is to get you at the VLC Setup Window for customization.Ģ.By default, VLC, Google Chrome, and Chromium can not be started as root user. You can either follow the below links to download VLC for Windows 10 and VLC 64bit or directly head to VLC official download site to get the latest version of VLC player instantly. Most major browsers do not natively have the ability to pull in RTSP streams at H.264. If you have already install VLC player, just uninstall it and then reinstall. Here covers the basics for installing VLC as a web plugin: No needs to look for VLC web plugin download on softonic or CNET, since its web plugin is included in the media player installer. Video LAN truly offers an amazing video player that can play on browsers.

It might be the case that you've got tons of video in random formats that you might not be able to get to play back in your web browser like Chrome and Firefox. Here, we'll show you the detailed way to play VLC in Chrome and other browsers. Therefore, you might assume that there are many VLC plugins for different browsers that should be downloaded one by one. VLC web plugin, to be brief, enables you to play back videos in many formats in your web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.